
self analysis q1a

Peer Assessment Question 1a Portfolio Skill Concept/question: Student name: MEG:                       Working at Grade: List examples of RMT referenced: 1.          Prelim 2.          AS 3.          AS 4.          A2 5.          A2 List terminology words: male gaze, final girl, Charles derry, zombies, feminism, patriarchy, male dominance. Level Description Ref no Grade Agree? Level 1: Outlines, defines or describes conventions/digital technology/research & planning/post production with little reference to own production, and is under 250 words (1 side handwritten A4) U  y Level 2 lower: Introduces and describes 2-3 relevant examples of their work across the 2 years using some correct terminology E  y Level 2 mid: Provides some e

my three conventions

sound release and editing Sound - I think that our trailer follows the sound convention of a real horror trailer and I think this because the sound track was made in the same way a real horror production would make it which is through Logic Pro x and GarageBand, both of which are professional software and are used often to create good sound tracks. Secondly I feel that our soundtrack follows a real media product due to the fact that it has a similar structure in that it starts off slow then gradually gets faster every 20 seconds roughly atlas up until the last 20 seconds of the trailer were the pace is very fast to give intensity and for the montage. Thirdly I think that our soundtrack uses the forms of the convention because the whole point of a soundtrack being used in a horror trailer is to create tension and make the viewer feel on edge and to give the audience a sense of what's going to happen. After looking at our trailer I believe that the sound track definitely build

Revision mock exam - Rpresentation

In this essay I will be talking about the male gaze, final girl, feminism in horror,  teen punishment, hauntings and demonic possession, and hegemony. In this essay I will be explaining the meaning of these topics, and why they can be essential to horror films. Through out looking at my trailer there is no use of a female character which could connote that my trailer is based around patriarchy, this is further reinforced by the fact that the monster is a male character and could imply that males are trying to dominate society and codify the way everything is done. Berger said that "men act and women appear. men look at women. women watch their self being looked at" which would support my trailer because I have not used a woman in my trailer but we do have men that act. I think that my trailer applies to male gaze because although the audience isn't made to voyeur and look at women we are put in the perspective of looking through what the males are going through and ho

Regulation Exam Prep

what is regulation? I think that regulation is something that is used through out all formats of media in-order to prevent and protect viewers from seeing media that is not suitable for an audience and is also there to control what is seen for particular reasons, this may be because the viewer wants to watch an 18 rated film but is too young for example, the regulation has been put in place so that the young viewer is not damaged by what the content has to give. Moreover regulation is put in place to try and minimise stereotyping and influential behaviour for example; kids watching a music video of their role model objectifying women could result in them behaving the same way. who should regulate? For regulation to be as fair and correct as possible we need impartial decisions to be made meaning that we need several regulators from multiple different backgrounds to ensure that the decisions made are fair and non-biased. This means tat we need different genders, races, ages, and r

Digital Technology essay

Introduction: When we walk about digital media technology our meaning is to do with applications such as photoshop, in design and final cut pro. It is also technology that allows people to find an audience through social media such as Instagram, snapchat and youtube through making and adapting already created products, this is very evident when people become prosumers and make things to do with fan-fiction. I would say that the correlation between creativity and digital media technology would be that digital technology allows you to produce creative work approaching a professional level. In-addition it allows you to see more different creative things as there are so many different people with an audience which will allow you to jumble up different things that you like about the product then re-make your own unique version of media. I believe that my production work has developed through out the past two years with these of websites, media, researching, experimentation and re-making/

real media text essay

Introduction: Through out media there are several conventions that have particular rules that must be followed when creating a media product in-order to keep structure in that product and to prevent the audience from any confusion, having these rules also allow the audience to identify what they are looking at based on it's stereotypes, genre, sub-genre, characters and more. Mainly focusing on film the conventions would be the genre and sub-genre and must be followed successfully so that the product in known and understood for its purpose and expression. However it is possible that you can break down, and re-make the conventions. By doing this it will result in an increase in creativity because there will be more then one meaning for that specific convention, reinventing these conventions are highly recommended due to the fact that it is one of the only things that enable the product to stand out. During AS I had created a magazine front cover, a contents page and double page spr

development over two yeas - research and planning essay response

In this essay i will be talking about how i have developed as a media student through the duration of the 2 year course, this will include me talking about; how i understand the purpose of research and it's effects on creativity, my understanding of conventions, my understanding of making a product to meet the expectations of a media target audience. Before the start of the media studies course we were all considered to be creators due to the fact that we have posted our own photos, videos and messages through media platforms such as; Instagram, youtube, snapchat and others. However there was no planning put into this and we just imitated what we see other people do before we made our own posts for examples; role models. The reason there is no research and planning is because we saw no need for structure because we were used to it/it was a norm. This therefore meant that we were self-taught and that we didn't really have many skills intros area which lead to a limitation in m