Creativity Essay

In this essay I will be talking to you about what creativity is, what it means and I will reinforce this through peoples quotes and examples to show the meaning and what is good and bad.

Creativity can be defined as a work in progress that allows room for skill development and can lead onto a sense of potential for other projects later on. (e.g. one thing can lead to another that could lead to creating a masterpiece or something original). In being creative you are pushing the boundaries and challenging conventions through behaving and thinking in an imaginative way. This is good because imaginative activity gives purpose for people and could lead to generating something original.

The whole point of being creative is to make something that fits your preferences personally without anyones input and is based around your connotation of something. For example; if two people look at a pen, one would see just a pen that writes were as the other would see the things it could create, its potential for making things powerful to someone and what else it can be made into/ adapted into.

Creativity is based around going against traditional and social norms and doing something that isn't particularly necessary and essential to stay alive or something that you can't control, for instance; giving birth is natural and can't be controlled technically but is one of the most creative things that can be done due to the difference and complexity of a human being.

We was able to be creative through technology at AS as we made our own magazines that ended up being unique and different depending on our preference, however this magazine was developed through the making and re-working of other old professional magazines as we used them as a template to learn from.

Buckingham stated that technology development may be linked to advances in the creativity of users. however it can be argued that technology can create limitations as all we have to do as the user is apply things rather then having to do it ourself from scratch with no technical help because it does the work for us. On the other hand technology does aid us in creating better things. In-additon to this thanks to technology we are able to get inspiration from anything anywhere at anytime, for example; you might see something on the train on Instagram that can lead to the development of something completely new.

Intertextuality is defined as the shaping of texts meaning by another text and is the connection of similar or related works. also known as referencing for instance: A slit throat in a horror film or trailer will be a reference to slasher.

There is another argument that there is no originality as everything has been created already and is based on something old. A good example of this would be dubstep because this is just the mixture of rock, punk, and electronica which are already recognised things.

the person that created this genre of music would be classed as a prosumer which is defined as someone that doesn't just take in the message of media but uses it as an influence to better their own things.

The act of production itself is creative due to the fact that what ever you have produced is different from what everyone else can produce as it has not been made by you and will therefore not hold the same meaning and will have slight differences, for example if you take a poo you are being creative due to the fact that it is very different to everyone else poo and will show something different meaning that one day you might not be feeling well and your poo might look different from what it will the next day.

another example would be if you scrunched a piece of paper up it would look completely different and would be completely different as it holds someone else DNA and was made and scrunched in a different way to another person.

Structure and form is what can lead to people creating similar things, for example if you try to empty your mind and draw something it always ends up coming back to the silhouette of something that looks like a face or an animal, this can limit our creativity however these two criteria still make it recognisable and therefore enjoyable e.g. having structure for your trailer (three parts, 20 seconds per part) prevents confusion and allows the trailer to be fun rather then people not understanding what is happening.


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