development over two yeas - research and planning essay response

In this essay i will be talking about how i have developed as a media student through the duration of the 2 year course, this will include me talking about; how i understand the purpose of research and it's effects on creativity, my understanding of conventions, my understanding of making a product to meet the expectations of a media target audience.

Before the start of the media studies course we were all considered to be creators due to the fact that we have posted our own photos, videos and messages through media platforms such as; Instagram, youtube, snapchat and others. However there was no planning put into this and we just imitated what we see other people do before we made our own posts for examples; role models. The reason there is no research and planning is because we saw no need for structure because we were used to it/it was a norm. This therefore meant that we were self-taught and that we didn't really have many skills intros area which lead to a limitation in my creativity as i wasn't able to re-imagine things, this was a result of a lack of looking at real media text. This shows that technology allows everyone to create things anytime and anywhere through a phone which shows that we have bigger opportunities.

For AS one of the media products we had to create was a college magazine and in-order to carry this out i used minimal planning as we didn't know what to do to successfully plan how to make a magazine so i just went with my gut instinct. My method of planning was creating two draft versions of the cover with hardly any detail as it had small amounts of writing, had no dominant image and had colours that didn't match. This would relate to intertextuality, due to me not seeing many real media texts mean't that i was less creative because it meant that i was unable to re-make a professional magazine cover, this was because i couldn't jumble multiple different official magazines together to make my own. As a result this lead to my magazine having no purpose or expression.

For the second media product we had to make at AS was a music magazine and it was evident that we had put more effort into the planning and research as there was a significant improvement in how professional it looked. for instance: for my magazine i had made several drafts which showed he evolution of the magazine by trial and error of changing the fonts, positioning, layout and more. As a result these drafts showed the progression from the start to the final product and it showed what looks good and what looks bad. As part of research i looked at a variety of different real magazine front covers in-order to see the typical conventions of magazine. This lead to my magazine expressing my idea better as we could be more creative and therefore re-imagine and re-make the old through bricolage. Furthermore this shows that from the first project to the second project of the first year there was a dramatic improvement in creativity as i had seen several real media texts which lead to higher creativity. Lastly this magazine was unique to me as i had mixed multiple different covers together and this therefore made it exist and express what i wanted it to. I have shown development over the two years by making numerous drafts in-order to get the best cover possible and i have researched a variety of contrasting professional magazines so that i can take particular conventions from each cover.

Prior to the making of the summer trailer I had researched into 24 different horror film trailers and this demonstrates huge difference in the amount of research and effort that has been put into understanding the conventions of a trailer, this aided me in being able to see the usual structure of a trailer. However we had not made any drafts before the summer trailer as this trailer was a draft for the real A2 trailer, causing an absence in understanding and creativity.


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