Digital Technology essay


When we walk about digital media technology our meaning is to do with applications such as photoshop, in design and final cut pro. It is also technology that allows people to find an audience through social media such as Instagram, snapchat and youtube through making and adapting already created products, this is very evident when people become prosumers and make things to do with fan-fiction. I would say that the correlation between creativity and digital media technology would be that digital technology allows you to produce creative work approaching a professional level. In-addition it allows you to see more different creative things as there are so many different people with an audience which will allow you to jumble up different things that you like about the product then re-make your own unique version of media. I believe that my production work has developed through out the past two years with these of websites, media, researching, experimentation and re-making/ re-imagining.

When doing the first AS preliminary task i had done no research which lead to a lack in creativity, however coming into this task i did still have a small amount of knowledge due to the fact that I had been using social media for a while meaning that i had seen without realising a variety of creative media products that aided me in creating my college magazine but it still didn't look professional and creative or unique because i didn't have an understanding of typical conventions and why they are so important. This resulted in my magazine confusing the audience because the conventions are part of the structure. Moreover as i wasting indesign there was limited resources that could be used when in comparison with photoshop and this lead to a lowered amount of creativity that could be achieved


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